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Lasting Lifestyles

The medical care costs of people with chronic diseases accounts for 75% of the nation’s medical care costs.

Seven out of ten deaths are the result of chronic diseases.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007

Lasting Lifestyles is a new model for meeting the challenges of consumers, informal caregivers, professionals and payers dealing with chronic conditions and disabilities.

Lasting Lifestyles has three goals:

Enhance the self-care capacities of persons with chronic diseases or disabilities;

Help informal caregivers shoulder their caregiving responsibilities;

Help organizations and professionals providing services and supports to persons with chronic conditions to become more effective.

Consumer Health Education Solutions

We help persons who have chronic diseases or disabilities to remain independent and "connected" to the world around them, using consumer-friendly, integrated, affordable Internet and multi-media technologies packaged into life enhancing services. Our consumer solution is called Lasting Lifestyles.

Uses and Users
Lasting Lifestyles is designed for use by health and long term care providers dedicated to:

Continuity of care
Patient involvement in their own care decisions
A strong belief that communication and knowledge make a difference in the capacity of consumers to self-direct their own care

Lasting Lifestyles helps service providers reach the isolated, vulnerable client, in new and powerful ways while responding to the pressing need to contain health costs. Just as important Lasting Lifestyles provides tools and support for informal caregivers.

Consumer and Caregiver Focus
Lasting Lifestyles can be customized to provide an self-management and education site for almost any population in need.

Seniors interested in self-management of chronic conditions
Persons with diabetes and other metabolic disorders
Persons with cardio-vascular diseases
Families helping persons with Alzheimer’s
Families of children with special health needs
Families of seniors residing in their own homes

Self-Management Support
Lasting Lifestyles provides consumers with various tools and information that encourage self-knowledge in important aspects of living such as:

Nutrition and fitness
Medications management
Lifestyle management

Just as important Lasting Lifestyles provides tools and support for informal caregivers. Using the latest in Internet technology, Lasting Lifestyles can help service providers reach the isolated, vulnerable client, in new and powerful ways while responding to the pressing need to contain health costs. Through Lasting Lifestyles, we bring the patient, informal caregiver and professionals together to foster collaboration. And in the process, we create a practical, focused health information exchange (HIE) that is consumer-centric and purpose driven.

Through Lasting Lifestyles, we bring the patient, informal caregiver and professionals together to foster collaboration. And in the process, we create a practical, focused health information exchange (HIE) that is consumer-centric and purpose- driven.

Lasting Lifestyles is designed to be used in conjunction with our Web solutions that help health professionals assess client needs, develop plans of care, monitor client’s conditions and promote consumer self-responsibility.

Easy Implementation and Use
We provide the Web hosting and technical support, making it very easy for providers to implement and use Lasting Lifestyles. There is no software to install or maintain by providers or their clientele. All users need is Internet access.

Content and information on Lasting Lifestyles is easily tailored to reflect community resources and provide the consumer the comfort of being connected to resources and supports in their own community.

We host Lasting Lifestyles, making it very easy for providers to implement and use Lasting Lifestyles in their community. Content and information is easily tailored to reflect community resources and provide the consumer the comfort of being connected to resources and supports in their own community.

Lasting Lifestyles® is a community service, not just another web site that helps consumers to:

• Be informed
• Be connected
• Be empowered

Lasting Lifestyles supports consumers by:

• Promoting consumer empowerment and self-management
• Focusing on wellness
• Reducing isolation
• Acknowledging diversity

Lasting Lifestyles supports informal caregivers, including:

• Hands-on caregivers
• Long-distance caregivers
• Working caregivers

Want to know more about how Lasting Lifestyles can work for you? Contact us at